[#2] [2010-07-05 11:08:12.429 'App' 6580 verbose] [snapshotVolumeFactory,148] Creating snapshot using vss
[#2] [2010-07-05 11:08:12.429 'App' 5924 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437] Waiting for updates from CloneTask::task{5}
[#2] [2010-07-05 11:08:12.430 'App' 5924 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from CloneTask::task{5}
[2010-07-05 11:08:12.430 'App' 6824 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749] Got an update from CloneTask::task{5}
[#2] [2010-07-05 11:08:12.431 'App' 5924 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437] Waiting for updates from CloneTask::task{5}
[#2] [2010-07-05 11:08:12.431 'App' 5924 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from CloneTask::task{5}
[#2] [2010-07-05 11:08:12.456 'App' 6580 error] [pluginWin32,34] Error 2147754754 creating snapshot.
[#2] [2010-07-05 11:08:12.473 'App' 6580 warning] [snapshotVolumeFactory,119] Shapshot creation failed. driver=vss
[#2] [2010-07-05 11:08:12.473 'App' 6580 verbose] [snapshotVolumeFactory,148] Creating snapshot using vsnap
[#2] [2010-07-05 11:08:12.473 'App' 6580 verbose] [snapshotVolumeVSNAPWin32,124] Vsnap does not have admin rights
[#2] [2010-07-05 11:08:12.474 'App' 6580 verbose] [snapshotVolumeVSNAPWin32,127] Snapshotting \\?\Volume{393bf288-d743-11de-ae9f-806e6f6e6963} using stcbasic.sys
[#2] [2010-07-05 11:08:12.474 'App' 6580 error] [snapshotVolumeVSNAPWin32,137] stcbasic.sys not installed or snapshot creation failed. err=2
[#2] [2010-07-05 11:08:12.553 'App' 196 info] [imageProcessingTaskStep,194] CloneTask::task{5} step "clone volumes" destroyed
[#2] [2010-07-05 11:08:12.553 'App' 6580 verbose] [disposable,122] object explicitly disposed: computer={2dede8a6bee646c55c59e6e91b6aa8ca4358c4}
[#2] [2010-07-05 11:08:12.553 'App' 6580 verbose] [diskSet,114] Cleaning up computer's child objects
[#2] [2010-07-05 11:08:12.553 'App' 6580 verbose] [diskSet,130] Unregistring volume id=virtVol={computer={2dede8a6bee646c55c59e6e91b6aa8ca4358c4},0}
[#2] [2010-07-05 11:08:12.553 'App' 6580 verbose] [diskSet,140] Unregistring disk id=disk={dacf562b829caca9fa0600d155a744aec906c73}
[#2] [2010-07-05 11:08:13.487 'App' 196 error] [cloneTask,320] Cloning failed!
[#2] [2010-07-05 11:08:13.488 'App' 196 error] [imageProcessingTaskImpl,552] CloneTask::task{5}: Image processing task has failed with MethodFault::Exception: sysimage.fault.SnapshotError
[#2] [2010-07-05 11:08:13.488 'App' 196 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskImpl,154] CloneTask::task{5}: SetState to error