Question : Copying CUSTOM.DIC to new machine - can't add words and how to handle file ExcludeDictionaryEN0409.lex
I just got a new machine at work and am in the process of transferrring my data from the old to the new. On the old ,I have WORD 2003, on the new, WORD 2007.
I tansferred my CUSTOM.DIC. I found it on my old machine in
C:\Documents and Settings\stephenk\Applicat
ion Data\Microsoft\Proof\custo
and copied it to my new machine in the location
C:\Documents and Settings\stephenk\Applicat
ion Data\Microsoft\UProof\cust
om.dic (note the path ends with UPROOF not PROOF.
I am having 2 issues:
(1) When I spellcheck encounters a word not in the dictionary the "ADD TO DICTIONARY" button is grayed out.
How can I fix this issue?
(2) In this (UPROOF) directory there is a file ExcludeDictionaryEN0409.le
Do I need to copy its counterpart from my old machine or otehrwise do something about this file?
The file is dated earlier today.
Is it possible that an issue with #2 is causing my problem with #1?
PS-No rush to respond as I'm logging off for the weekend. Tks again.
Answer : Copying CUSTOM.DIC to new machine - can't add words and how to handle file ExcludeDictionaryEN0409.lex
Actually, I've finally solved this myself. I simply needed to add index.php as a document under Default Content Page in the properties in IIS.
Go me!
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