Question : The network path was not found while connecting to remote computer with performance monitor
Please help resolve the following issue:
I connect from Windows 7 32 Enterprise to Windows 7 64 Ultimate
I can successfully connect to administrative share of computer (by IP address and by domain name)
I can successfully connect to computer with help of computer management MMC
I receive the following error while trying to connect with Performance monitor:
When Attempting to connect to the remote computer the following system error occurred: The network path was not found.
Please tell me where to digg.
Thank you for your answers and help.
Answer : The network path was not found while connecting to remote computer with performance monitor
Sure enough, I just tried this myself connecting from a Win7 X64 to a Win7 X64 and got the exact same error. What I did to fix it was started the Remote Registry Service on the remote machine. Tried to connect and worked like a charm.
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