Question : Can't access Dell iDRAC6 Express
Here's what I've done so far on my new Dell T710 (in addition to configuring RAID and installing SBS 2008 R2 x64):
1. Ctrl+E on boot. Under 'Lan Parameters' it picked up DHCP, so I know it's using NIC #1. I set it to static and gave it I left it on 'Shared' configuration.
2. Saved changes, booted into OS.
3. Installed DRAC Tools from the Dell DVD.
4. From IE, tried to access
from two different computers on the LAN. IE goes nowhere. Can't ping it, either (but maybe that's normal).
I've changed the DRAC IP a few times, but I can never access the web interface.
I've read through the docs but I MUST be missing something.
Do I have to flip a switch in the hardware? Connect some cable? Change some setting in the DRAC management? Any clues?
Many thanks!
Answer : Can't access Dell iDRAC6 Express
Called Dell. RACADM doesn't work with iDRAC6. I was able to access the web interface from Google Chrome from a different server.
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