Question : gridView C# dll

I want to put the following code into a DLL that I create, the the DLL does nto recognize the GridView type.

in my .cs file the procedure is fine because I can always add the following line:

protected global::System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridView GridView1;

but the is nto recognized and I dont knwo how to make it so ... I am sure there must be a way to find and attached the System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridView dll some how to the dll i create. Below is the code I am trying to place in my own DLL

        public void BindDataTableToGridView
            (GridView lv_GridView
            ,DataTable lv_DataTable)
            //bind the data to the grid
            lv_GridView.DataSource = lv_DataTable.DefaultView;

Answer : gridView C# dll

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