Question : Access 2007 query results different than vba sql results
Hello experts this one really has me stumped.
Access 2007 query results are different than vba sql results.
Query produces one record. This is the correct result.
VBA SQL produces 3 records. There are 3 records in the table.
There are 4 fields in the table.
T_ID is autonumber, indexed, no dups
D_ID is number, indexed, dups ok
The other 2 are text
When the D_ID field in NOT indexed the vba sql produces 1 record, the same as the query.
When the D_ID field IS indexed, the vba sql produces 3 records, the query produces 1 record.
Here is the sql that I ran from the query
SELECT [00_test2].T_ID
FROM 00_test2
WHERE ((([00_test2].LR_Eye)='Lef
t') AND (([00_test2].Tissue_Type)=
'Whole Globe') AND (([00_test2].D_ID)=4793009
Here is the VBA sql
strsql = _
"SELECT [00_test2].T_ID FROM 00_test2 WHERE ( (LR_Eye) = 'Left' AND ((Tissue_Type)= 'Whole Globe') AND ((D_ID)= 479300912)) "
MsgBox ("/............. " & strsql)
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(strsql)
MsgBox (rst.RecordCount)
Thanks this is making me crazy.
Answer : Access 2007 query results different than vba sql results
Try this:
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(strsql)
MsgBox (rst.RecordCount)
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