Question : Copy data from a web site into ms access
Is there a way, by pressing a command button to copy an already selected item (coordinates) from a web site and automatically past it into ms access? Please see my screenshot for a better understanding of what I am trying to do. Please note that I am displaying the web page within a Microsoft Access 2007 form. Normally I can accomplish this by selecting the coordinates, press Ctrl+C on my keyboard and then Ctrl+V to paste it into my MS Access field. I would like to perform the same thing by simply pressing one button on the form. I have tried to use SendKey but it doe not copy anything.
Thank you,
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Answer : Copy data from a web site into ms access
the ecexwb function supports copying the whole page..
we could also skip copying and go for the innerhtml of the document
the following page has more info..
i dont have much time to code tonight.
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