Question : quadratic equation: Keep getting 1 answer right, the other one won't match up
The problem is:
4y^2 = 5 - y^4
The following is how far I got:
y^4 + 4y^2 - 5 = 0
A = 1 B = 4 C = - 5
( -4 +/- sqrt(4^2 - 4*1*-5) ) / 2(1)
After breaking that down further, I got to:
( -4 + 6 ) / 2
( -4 - 6 ) / 2
Which gives me: y = 1 OR y = -5
The book and my TI-89 however, disagree. The answer should be y = 1 OR y = -1
... Help?
Answer : quadratic equation: Keep getting 1 answer right, the other one won't match up
(y^2)^2 + 4(y^2) - 5 = 0
Which gives me: (y^2) = 1 OR (y^2) = -5
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