Question : BIOS update from 02 to 09 in Dell Precision 380
I recently installed WIN 2003 on a Dell Precision 380 and everything was fine until I updated the BIOS from the Dell driver site.
The old BIOS was v. 02, and the updated was v. 09. Upon restart, it stated that BIOS update was succesfull, whereupon it began beeping at me.
So far, the only thing it will do is beep when I try to restart. No possible method of booting to anything.
I removed the battery for a few minutes, but that did nothing.
My question:
Am I totally screwed?
Thanks for any help you can offer!
Answer : BIOS update from 02 to 09 in Dell Precision 380
Remove some of the memory modules. Sounds like bad RAM personally. Or wrong bios firmware.
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