Question : Select statement between 2 date ranges
Hi Guys
I need a SQL Select statement between 2 date ranges
I have a date Column called 'licenc_ExpiryDate'. It is a datetime column.
An example of a value is 10/08/2010 00:00:00 ie. 10th Aug 2010
The table is called dbo.Licences
The select statement needs to select * between 1st June this year to 31st July next year
If I was to run it this year it will select between 1st June 2010 and 31 July 2011.
If I was to run it next year it will select beween 1st June 2011 and 31 July 2012
Answer : Select statement between 2 date ranges
change the code like below
select * from Licences where licenc_ExpiryDate > = convert(datetime,''+cast(y
e()) as varchar)+'0601')
and licenc_ExpiryDate <= convert(datetime,''+cast(y
e()+365) as varchar)+'0731')
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