Question : Text Box not refreshing for some users

I have a text box on a form that is not updating for some users. If they press F9 it will update. My guess is that it is a timing issue, but can't figure it out. Everything works just fine for most users.

Value in the text box:

=DLookUp("[SeedBrand]","tblBrands","[Brand_id]=[Forms]![frmMain]![Check]") & " Price Premium: "

[Forms]![frmMain]![Check] is a comobo box. I've pasted its Row Source in the code box below.

Any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated.
SELECT tblBrands.Brand_id, tblBrands.SeedBrand FROM tblBrands INNER JOIN tblProducts ON tblBrands.Brand_id=tblProducts.Brand_id WHERE (((tblProducts.Crop_id)=forms!frmMain!Crop) And ((tblBrands.Innactive)=No) And ((tblBrands.[Client])=No)) GROUP BY tblBrands.Brand_id, tblBrands.SeedBrand, tblBrands.SeedBrand ORDER BY tblBrands.SeedBrand;

Answer : Text Box not refreshing for some users

Mytext=DLookUp("[SeedBrand]","tblBrands","[Brand_id]=[Forms]![frmMain]![Check]") & " Price Premium: "

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