Question : Nagios / Ubuntu Server - Newbie issues

I've been looking for a good system monitoring platform and it seems that Nagios is the way to go. Unfortunately for me it only runs on Linux and I'm not too familiar.

I've managed to install Ubuntu Server and get a desktop environment working. I've found a quick setup guide for Nagios on Ubuntu and got a fair bit done. I've run into an issue though and I'm hoping someone here may be able to help me get this up and running.

I'm using the process outlined on this web page:

I'm down as far as section 4 which is editing a config file. It seems I don't have permission to edit the file. My limited knowledge doesn't extend to knowing how to get the permission or how to work around this.

Can anyone help?

Answer : Nagios / Ubuntu Server - Newbie issues

There are several good web editors for Nagios.  
Here is a link to a large list of them.

I personaly use Lilac.  Takes a little bit to get installed and configured, but once it is running, configurations for Nagios are easy.
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