Question : How to add line feed and carriage return to bullets in a string

I have a string that contains bulleted points all in one line and I want to add carriage return and line feed after every bullet except the first one. Here is the code that is not working for me:

DECLARE @KeyPoints VARCHAR(1000)
SET @KeyPoints ='• ABC • DEF • GHI • JKL'
SELECT REPLACE(@KeyPoints, ' • ', ' • ' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)) KeySellPt

When I display this in html, I see all the string in one line rather than multiple lines as should it be after the replace statement.

What is wrong going on here? Any clues?


Answer : How to add line feed and carriage return to bullets in a string

>>Still not working, still pushes the first the top bulleted line down one line <<

are you sure you're trying the correct version? please note that this has the bullet character without the spaces in there.

DECLARE @KeyPoints VARCHAR(1000)
SET @KeyPoints ='• ABC • DEF • GHI • JKL'
SELECT stuff(REPLACE(@KeyPoints, '•',  CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + '•'), 1, 2, '') KeySellPt
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