Question : SQL update statement on sql server 2005
I need a update query to update a tables top 1 row.
1. This table is 5 columns columns, one of the column is STATUS. other is PDATE.
2. This table got 100 rows. all the rows have 'N' in the STATUS column.
3. sql where clause is based STATUS column.
4. I need some thing similar to it
update cust_table set STATUS='P' and PDATA = currentDate where STATUS='N' and (pick the top row only)
5. Every time when I run this update I want to update one row only and for that row STATUS should set to 'P' and PDATE should be todays date
6. I dont need a script or a stored proc. Need only one sql quary.
Quick help us greatly appriaciated.
Thank you
Answer : SQL update statement on sql server 2005
forget the order by, it only seems to works with SELECT TOP N
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