Question : deleting thousands of files across thousands of sub folders in windows server 2008
my web hosting server was hacked and a malicious script was run which copied 10 different files to EVERY folder on my server....
luckily it wasn't too disruptive as the homepage of virtually all of the sites i was hosting is index.asp (and the default document is index.asp) and the script didn't delete any files so in most cases the sites themselves weren't affected ....
i ran a search for all files which were created just after the script was run with a size of 5k (the size of the added files) and found over 300 000 files....
now i'm trying to find a way to mass delete all of these files....
if i select all of the files and hit delete it spends an indefinite amount of time 'calculating' and never actually does anything....
i found that if i drag a few thousand files at a time to the recycle bin this sometimes works, but not always...
has anyone any suggestions for some software or technique i can use to delete all of these files...
Answer : deleting thousands of files across thousands of sub folders in windows server 2008
Alternatively you can use Total Commander's search function to find the files created some time in the past and delete them. It's faster than Windows Search.
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