Question : Access mdb database to ,xml file

I am using Access to manage my database.  Then I export it to an .xml file, and then by hand I go thru and make the changes that is need, placing <![CDATA[]]> in my descriptions and changing the heading to <product><row></row></product>  

Is there a way to write a little .asp script that will read the mdb and write out the ,xml.

I would like for it to be as simple as possible so I can understand how it is done.

Excel list of my Access mdb database
Finished .xml file

Answer : Access mdb database to ,xml file

As it is being produced by MSXML it comes out as is, whereas before where i was building it in a string i was adding tabs and new lines to make it look pretty. It will still do the job as it is, just doesnt look to pretty. There isn't a particularly straight forward way to format the output other than applying an XSLT stylesheet as similar to what i did for your previous question to sort the data.

The stylesheet would look something like this:
<xsl:output indent="yes"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
  <xsl:copy-of select="."/>
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