Question : ASP Error trying to update Access DB
Here is my SQL statement and error
INSERT INTO Registrations (Fname, Lname, address, city, state, zip, bday_mm, bday_dd, bday_yyyy, [bday], school, grade, contact_fname, contact_lname, phone, cell, email, division, team, position, program, session, amount, amount_paid, paid, status, season, regid, [regdate], [lastupdate]) Values ('Devin', 'xxxton', '37820 Perkins Ct', 'TicTocville', 'WV', '20132', '12', '20', '1996', #12/20/1996#, 'Blue Ridge', '8', 'Miket', 'xxxxton', '111-111-1111', '111-111-1111', '
[email protected]
', 'U13', 'None', 'Attack', 'NWILL', 'Fall-2010', 139.35, 0, 'no', 'active', '2010', '201082710234', #8/27/2010 10:23:04 AM#, #8/27/2010 10:23:04 AM#)
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Operation must use an updateable query.
.asp, line 68
Answer : ASP Error trying to update Access DB
If you have the MDB open in Access, Access will 'lock' the file so no one else can access it. If the file came from another computer, it may 'Blocked' and you have to 'UnBlock' it to use it.
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