Question : ImageMagick in PHP, Windows/Apache
My situation:
Windows Vista
Apache 2
PHP 5.3
ImageMagick 6.6.3 Q16
ImageMagick works through the command line, and from php via passthru or exec.
problem: cannot get Imagick (the PHP extension class for communicating with ImageMagick) working.
phpinfo does not show the Imagick module.
When attempting to instance through PHP:
Fatal error: Class 'Imagick' not found
I’ve tried multiple DLLs, most recently one from
This line is in php.ini:
php.ini extension dir is:
php_imagick.dll exists in C:\PHP\ext
added environment variable to apache, which shows up via phpinfo as:
C:/ImageMagick is the correct installation directory
phpinfo show configuration file as:
this is the correct configuration file, and the file that reflects the edits mentioned above.
i'd be grateful for any advice
Answer : ImageMagick in PHP, Windows/Apache
Go to the command prompt.
Type ...
php -d display_startup_errors=1 --re imagick
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