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function db(){ $this->host = DATABASE_HOST; $this->port = DATABASE_PORT; $this->socket = DATABASE_SOCK; $this->dbname = DATABASE_NAME; $this->user = DATABASE_USER; $this->password = DATABASE_PASS; $this->current_arr_type = MYSQL_ASSOC; // connect to db automatically if (empty($GLOBALS['bx_db_link'])) { $this->connect(); $GLOBALS['gl_db_cache'] = array(); $GLOBALS['bx_db_param'] = array(); } else $this->link = $GLOBALS['bx_db_link']; if(empty($GLOBALS['bx_db_param'])) $GLOBALS['bx_db_param'] = new BxDolParams($this); $this->oParams = &$GLOBALS['bx_db_param']; } /** * connect to database with appointed parameters */ function connect() { $full_host = $this->host; $full_host .= $this->port ? ':'.$this->port : ''; $full_host .= $this->socket ? ':'.$this->socket : ''; $this->link = @mysql_pconnect($full_host, $this->user, $this->password); if (!$this->link) $this->error('Database connect failed', true); if (!$this->select_db()) $this->error('Database select failed', true); $this->res("SET NAMES 'utf8'"); $this->res("SET sql_mode = ''"); $GLOBALS['bx_db_link'] = $this->link; } function select_db() { return @mysql_select_db($this->dbname, $this->link) or $this->error('Cannot complete query (select_db)'); } /** * close mysql connection */ function close() { mysql_close($this->link); }
1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: 23: 24: 25: 26: 27: 28:
$sQuery = " SELECT `tp`.`ID` as `id`, `tp`.`NickName` AS `username`, `tp`.`Headline` AS `headline`, `tp`.`Sex` AS `sex`, `tp`.`DateOfBirth` AS `date_of_birth`, `tp`.`Country` AS `country`, `tp`.`City` AS `city`, `tp`.`DescriptionMe` AS `description`, `tp`.`Email` AS `email`, DATE_FORMAT(`tp`.`DateReg`, '" . $sDateFormat . "' ) AS `registration`, DATE_FORMAT(`tp`.`DateLastLogin`, '" . $sDateFormat . "' ) AS `last_login`, `tp`.`Status` AS `status`, IF(`tbl`.`Time`='0' OR DATE_ADD(`tbl`.`DateTime`, INTERVAL `tbl`.`Time` HOUR)>NOW(), 1, 0) AS `banned`, `tl`.`ID` AS `ml_id`, IF(ISNULL(`tl`.`Name`),'', `tl`.`Name`) AS `ml_name` " . $sSelectClause . " FROM `Profiles` AS `tp` LEFT JOIN `sys_admin_ban_list` AS `tbl` ON `tp`.`ID`=`tbl`.`ProfID` LEFT JOIN `sys_acl_levels_members` AS `tlm` ON `tp`.`ID`=`tlm`.`IDMember` AND `tlm`.`DateStarts` < NOW() AND (`tlm`.`DateExpires`>NOW() || ISNULL(`tlm`.`DateExpires`)) LEFT JOIN `sys_acl_levels` AS `tl` ON `tlm`.`IDLevel`=`tl`.`ID` " . $sJoinClause . " WHERE 1 AND (`tp`.`Couple`=0 OR `tp`.`Couple`>`tp`.`ID`)" . $sWhereClause . " " . $sGroupClause . " ORDER BY `tp`.`" . $aParams['view_order'] . "` " . $aParams['view_order_way'] . " LIMIT " . $aParams['view_start'] . ", " . $aParams['view_per_page'];
$sQuery = " SELECT `tp`.`ID` as `id`, `tp`.`NickName` AS `username`, `tp`.`Headline` AS `headline`, `tp`.`Sex` AS `sex`, `tp`.`DateOfBirth` AS `date_of_birth`, `tp`.`Country` AS `country`, `tp`.`City` AS `city`, `tp`.`DescriptionMe` AS `description`, `tp`.`Email` AS `email`, DATE_FORMAT(`tp`.`DateReg`, '" . $sDateFormat . "' ) AS `registration`, DATE_FORMAT(`tp`.`DateLastLogin`, '" . $sDateFormat . "' ) AS `last_login`, `tp`.`Status` AS `status`, IF(`tbl`.`Time`='0' OR DATE_ADD(`tbl`.`DateTime`, INTERVAL `tbl`.`Time` HOUR)>NOW(), 1, 0) AS `banned`, `tl`.`ID` AS `ml_id`, IF(ISNULL(`tl`.`Name`),'', `tl`.`Name`) AS `ml_name` " . $sSelectClause . " FROM `db1`.`Profiles` AS `tp` LEFT JOIN `db2`.`sys_admin_ban_list` AS `tbl` ON `tp`.`ID`=`tbl`.`ProfID` LEFT JOIN `db2`.`sys_acl_levels_members` AS `tlm` ON `tp`.`ID`=`tlm`.`IDMember` AND `tlm`.`DateStarts` < NOW() AND (`tlm`.`DateExpires`>NOW() || ISNULL(`tlm`.`DateExpires`)) LEFT JOIN `db2`.`sys_acl_levels` AS `tl` ON `tlm`.`IDLevel`=`tl`.`ID` " . $sJoinClause . " WHERE 1 AND (`tp`.`Couple`=0 OR `tp`.`Couple`>`tp`.`ID`)" . $sWhereClause . " " . $sGroupClause . " ORDER BY `tp`.`" . $aParams['view_order'] . "` " . $aParams['view_order_way'] . " LIMIT " . $aParams['view_start'] . ", " . $aParams['view_per_page'];