Question : Sonicwall TZ100 WLAN to LAN traffic
Hi all,
I am setting up a new Sonicwall TZ100 firewall. I have everything up and running, both LAN and WLAN are able to connect out to internet without problem. I am not, however, able to get the WLAN clients to access resources on the LAN. Specifically, I am trying to share out a drive on a server. This is also going to be a problem with printers.
Under Firewall-->Access Rules I have a rule setup to allow any WLAN to LAN traffic. But still nothing when trying to view LAN resources from WLAN pc. I also setup a more specific rule to allow WLAN to LAN ping (and vice-versa), but that does not go through either. There is no local software firewall blocking anything, I am at a loss for next steps.
What the heck am I missing that will allow these two networks to interact?
Answer : Sonicwall TZ100 WLAN to LAN traffic
Did you check routes on the TZ? have you run tracert from both sides to see where the traffic is going? Can the LAN side get to the WLAN side? Remember traffic must be allowed both ways, not just one way.
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