Question : how to search a clob field in Oracle database

I ran the following query however it is not returning any results:

select admin_content_id
from csp_tbl_article
where dbms_lob.instr(lower(content_body),'%Times New Roman%',1,1) > 0

I know a result should be returned because the following record contains the value of Times New Roman in its CONTENT_BODY field:

<font face="Times New Roman" size="3"><p>article_trigger_1.&#160; I am adding body text now.</p>

I do not understand why no records are being returned.   I also tried the following query:

select admin_content_id
from csp_tbl_article
where lower(content_body) like '%Times New Roman%'

Answer : how to search a clob field in Oracle database

lower(content_body)   and  '%Times New Roman%'    are not compatible.

if the content is all lower case,  you can't find "T" or "N" or "R"

try    '%times new roman%'   for the LIKE or  'times new roman'   for the INSTR
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