Question : .
the first ID is an Integer and match Equipment.ID = @ID this OK.
but the rest of the updates need the ID converted to a string
I Need a means to convert @ID to a string
UPDATE [Equipment] SET [IsLockedOut] = 'True', [LastLockOutDate] = GetDate() WHERE Equipment.ID = @ID
UPDATE [CustomerImages] Set [IsLockedOut] = 'True', [LastLockOutDate] = GetDate() WHERE [CustomerImages].[ImageId]
= @ID.ToString() + '%'
UPDATE [Radactive_ILoad_Images] Set [IsLockedOut] = 'True', [LastLockOutDate] = GetDate() WHERE [Radactive_ILoad_Images].[
ImageId] = @ID.ToString() + '%'
UPDATE [Radactive_ILoad_Indexes] Set [IsLockedOut] = 'True', [LastLockOutDate] = GetDate() WHERE [Radactive_ILoad_Indexes].
[ImageId] = @ID.ToString() + '%'"
Answer : .
I guess you also need like:
WHERE [CustomerImages].[ImageId]
= @ID.ToString() + '%'
starts with:
WHERE [CustomerImages].[ImageId]
like '%' + cast(@ID as varchar) + '%'
or contains:
WHERE [CustomerImages].[ImageId]
like cast(@ID as varchar) + '%'
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