Question : Windows can't find "msconfig"
When I enter "msconfig" in the "Run" box, I get an error message that tells me:
“Windows cannot find ‘msconfig’. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again.
To search for a file, click the Start button, and then click Search.”
A system search indicates there is a file, msconfig.exe, in the following location:
Is this where it is supposed to be? How can I direct Windows to it in order to be able to open the System Configuration Utility via entering msconfig in the Run box?
Answer : Windows can't find "msconfig"
No, go to the command prompt using the cmd.
then you need to get into the binaries directory so...
at the c:\> (this is called c prompt)
type cd C:\WINDOWS\pchealth\helpct
press enter
then type in msconfig
press enter
Does msconfig start?
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