Question : How do I verify Using SSIS if an XML file exist in the folder , change it's name and move ot to an SFTP if exist
HI Expert ;
I am working on the project and My SSIS package should do following job:
01- I have to verify if My 02 daily xml files ,Coupon_YYMMDD.xml and Invitation_YYMMDD.xml files are dropped in folder at 4:00 AM
02- Verify if the folder contains only those 02 files
03- If My two xml files founed , I have to change there name to THANKYOU_YYMMDD.xm and OFFRT_YYMMDD
04- Once the xml files name changed , I have to send them to an SFTP distination.
NB: I tried to use some SSIS packages atteched as .txt extension with previouse soultions , I changed the extension to dtsx but I can't use the packages because steel an txt file even I changed the extension to dtsx , how can I use thoses ackages with the .txt solution?
Answer : How do I verify Using SSIS if an XML file exist in the folder , change it's name and move ot to an SFTP if exist
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