Question : How do I restore my Exchange 2003 Virtual Directory Settings back to Default
I recently moved Exchange 2003 from A Domain controller to a new member server. After following the migration documents I brought the new exchange up. I have all mailboxes working however when I finished the migration and removed exchange from the old sever and got an error that the messaging and collaboration could not be uninstalled but all the other components were removed. Preformed a DC promo and after the server came back up I powered it down. Initially everything worked fine but I have multiple severs remaining in my exchange system manager and duplicate public and system folders. I also messed up my exchange virtual directory by trying to get the OMA working in secure mode and am getiing error message Event id 3031 regarding negoiations with the exchange virtual directory.
Answer : How do I restore my Exchange 2003 Virtual Directory Settings back to Default
How to reset the default virtual directories :
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