Question : Opera Version 10.60 page cache(!?) problem
When I click within a site the new page does not load but instead of it another page within the same site.
For example when I click on Answer - within experts-exchange- the Zone-Ranke page comes up instead of the Open Questions list
It seemed like a cache problem, but I deleted all cache information from
C:\Documents and Settings\user1\Local Settings\Application Data\Opera\Opera\cache
C:\Documents and Settings\user1\Local Settings\Application Data\Opera\Opera\opcache
I also changed Prefferences/History to cache nothing.
But still the problem persists.
Answer : Opera Version 10.60 page cache(!?) problem
You don't need to discard cache for all sites:
Select from menu Opera -> Prefferences -> Quick preferences -> Site Preferences. Select the Network tab and choose Use application cache as No and click Ok
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