Question : basic question about factorials
My book hasn't explained factorials very well at all. When you evaluate a factorial, do you keep subtracting 1 until the very last term is 1 so that, for example,
(2n+1)! with n = 3
2(3) + 1 x
2(3) + 1 - 1
2(3) + 1 - 2
2(3) + 1 - 3
2(3) + 1 - 4
2(3) + 1 - 5
2(3) + 1 - 6 <= this is the last term
Or do you do something else
Answer : basic question about factorials
You can evaluate the expression in () first:
(2n+1)! with n = 3 = 7! = 7*6*5*4*3*2*1
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