Question : correct syntax for a switch statement in crystal 2008
Hello all,
I had a question before that LinInDenver: answered for me quite well and I closed it because I had the begining of my statement working and thought it was all good but now I'm gettng an error when I attempt to check the formula it tells me a ) is missing and I'm unsure where I went wrong. Here is the text of the formula, ive reduced it quite a bit from what will be neeeded but I'm just making sure I have the format correct:
NumberVar BP;
Shared Numbervar BPTotal;
Local Numbervar totalloan;
totalloan := Sum ({ISB_Commissions_view.tot
nt}, {@LO});
IF {CB_Originator_View.ComTyp
e} = 1
IF {ISB_Commissions_view.alia
s2} = "ISB"
THEN (switch totalloan < 5000000, 30,
totoalloan in 500000 to 999999, 35,
TRUE, 50)
The formula workshop formula checker tells me that I am missing a ) and it highlights the variable "totalloan". but that doesn't seem to make sense to me.
Also I accepted the answer to my question and gave the points to LilinDenver and then realised that James0628: had also presented a solution, Sorry James, I would have split the points but I didn't see your response!
Answer : correct syntax for a switch statement in crystal 2008
The Switch function requires a (, this is the example from Help:
Switch ({Orders.Order Amount} > 5000, "large",
{Orders.Order Amount} > 1000, "medium",
True, "small")
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