$(document).ready(function() {
template_number = $(this).attr('id');
//needs to return http://brianfalls.com/playground/email_inerface_sandbox/templates/00009/template_00009_03.png
$.post("page_that_could_get_the_template_image.cfm", { 'template_number': ""+template_number+"" },
carouselSpeed: 500,
animationEasing: 'jswing',
sidePadding: 7,
topPadding: 21
var icons = {
header: "ui-icon-circle-arrow-e",
headerSelected: "ui-icon-circle-arrow-s"
icons: icons,
collapsible: true
// $('#target').click(function() {
// var txtFile = new XMLHttpRequest();
// txtFile.open("GET", "http://brianfalls.com/playground/email_inerface_sandbox/emailTemplate/dsp/dsp_emailTemplate_00001.cfm", true);
// txtFile.onreadystatechange = function() {
// if (txtFile.readyState === 4) { // Makes sure the document is ready to parse.
// if (txtFile.status === 200) { // Makes sure it's found the file.
// allText = txtFile.responseText;
// lines = txtFile.responseText.split("\n"); // Will separate each line into an array
// }
// }
// }
// txtFile.send(null);
// alert(txtFile);
// });