Question : VPN connection to Windows XP without bluescreen
Issues with running a Windows XP-based VPN client on
> my Windows 7 laptop, resulting in a blue screen.
> I'd like to figure out whether VMWare (or other) has a product that
> will enable me to do the following:
> * Establish a Windows XP virtualized environment on my Windows 7
> laptop (64 bit).
> * Note that I don't have a Windows XP license on my laptop (only a
> Windows 7 license).
> * Securely connect using Cisco VPN client to an IT environment that is
> still running Windows XP SP2.
> * Need to make sure that my Windows 7 laptop is unimpacted (i.e., does
> not blue screen) by any Windows XP application that I launch within
> the virtualized environment.
Answer : VPN connection to Windows XP without bluescreen
You may have to apply the TRIM to where you are loading your parameters.
Posted via EE Mobile
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