Question : Access 2003 continuous tabular form question
I'm having a difficult time comming up with a solution for the following issue. First I will list the table columns:
ProductID text (required, indexed no duplicates)
Description text
LotNo text
ExpDate text
QtyOrdered number
QtyDelivered number
QtyToFollow number
I have not listed some of field names that are foreign keys related to other tables as they are not relevant to my question.
The system requirement is that a user should be able to key in multiple LotNo's and ExpDate's per single product line. Please note that ExpDate and LotNo are just text fields and not indexed . Extra blank fields on the form should not extend horizontally to the right or left it should extend down while still editing the same record if it is possible at all. Also on the form should not be 10 blank LotNo fields if possible only if required by clicking a button or ticking a box.
I did think of possibility suggesting multiple same product entries on to order detail form per LotNo. But the problem is that there can be up to 10 different LotNo for the same product which is 9 extra entries and if you've got to put in 10 products with 10 different lot numbers it ads to 90 extra lines on order detail form which is time consuming and making the system highly inefficient. Second problem would be total order number (QtyOrdered) it would have to be broken down by the LotNo accordingly to Qty avalable in stock.
LotNo's is just a text but it is very important it is saved in the order record and printed on order sheet. It will never going to be used as a criteria in a query or search. Also forgot to mention that every LotNo might have a different ExpDate and it is a must to keep record of it too.
I'm looking for suggestions (solutions) how to tackle the problem as I'm very unsure how to approach this.
If you think you need a screenshot of the form please tell will post it right away.
Thank you.
Answer : Access 2003 continuous tabular form question
OK, turns out its down to server hardening
net stop mssvc and run the install works
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