Question : iMovie > iDVD; de-interlace video.
I am new to iMovie and iDVD.
I have edited my movie using iMovie, and now want to create my DVD. I shared to Media Gallery and greated DVD, but I had jagged lines, which I have found out was due to my video interlacing the frames.
Doing some digging I found out that I can de-interlace by doing exporting the movie with "Share > Export Using Quicktime > Options > Size' and select 'De-interlace Source Video'. This then produces a .Mov file, all nicely de-interlaced.
The problem now however is that I can't find import the .Mov file into iDVD...
Can anyone tell me a better way to de-interlace a Video with iMovie in a way that I can import it into iDVD?
Or alternatively, is there any way I can import a .Mov file into iDVD?
Many Thanks in advance!
Answer : iMovie > iDVD; de-interlace video.
Sorry, typo when copying and pasting.
That should have been
For /F "tokens=1*" %a in ( 'FIND /i "L3= " C:\zzsticker.txt' ) do set L3=%b
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