Hi experts,
I'm sure we've all seen the above message and usually its pretty clear where the error is coming from. But in the code below it's not obvious to me, so I need some help.
Here's the code:
If Not cn.State = ConnectionState.Open Then cn.Open() End If Dim strSelect As String = ""
Dim strUCode As String = txtUCode.Text Dim strLName As String = txtLNameREQ.Text Dim strMI As String = txtMI.Text Dim strFName As String = txtFNameREQ.Text Dim strAdd1 As String = txtAddress1REQ.Text Dim strAdd2 As String = txtAddress2.Text Dim strCity As String = txtCityREQ.Text Dim strST As String = txtSTREQ.Text Dim strZip As String = txtZipREQ.Text Dim strPH1 As String = txtPhone1REQ.Text Dim strPH2 As String = txtPhone2.Text Dim strCred As String = cbUserType.SelectedItem Dim strID As String = txtID.Text Dim dtExpire As DateTime = CDate(txtExpire.Text) Dim bitInitLogin As Boolean = True Dim strProvType As String = "U" Dim strDisc As String = txtDiscREQ.Text
Dim sqlDA As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(strSelect, cn) strSelect = "INSERT INTO tblUsersData UserCode, LName, FName, MI, MAddr1, MAddr2, MCity, MST, MZip, WPhone1, WPhone2, Credential, ID, Expiration, Prov_Type, initial_login, Discipline " & _ "VALUES (@UserCode, @LName, @FName, @MI, @MAddr1, @MAddr2, @MCity, @MST, @MZip, @WPhone1, @WPhone2, @Credential, @ID, @Expiration, @Prov_Type, @initial_login, @Disc)"
sqlDA.InsertCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserCode", strUCode) sqlDA.InsertCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@LName", strLName) sqlDA.InsertCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FName", strFName) sqlDA.InsertCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MI", strMI) sqlDA.InsertCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MAddr1", strAdd1) sqlDA.InsertCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MAddr2", strAdd2) sqlDA.InsertCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MCity", strCity) sqlDA.InsertCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MST", strST) sqlDA.InsertCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MZip", strZip) sqlDA.InsertCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@WPhone1", strPH1) sqlDA.InsertCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@WPhone2", strPH2) sqlDA.InsertCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Credential", strCred) sqlDA.InsertCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID", strID) sqlDA.InsertCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Expiration", dtExpire) sqlDA.InsertCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Prov_Type", strProvType) sqlDA.InsertCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@initial_login", bitInitLogin) sqlDA.InsertCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Disc", strDisc)
Try sqlDA.SelectCommand.CommandText = strSelect sqlDA.SelectCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() Catch err As SqlClient.SqlException MessageBox.Show("An error occurred in AddUser - " & err.Message) End Try cn.Close() This is the first time I've used AddWithValue in the Parameters, so I'm not 100% on the proper syntax but I believe it's correct.. Any help would be appreciated,