Question : Matching data from multiple tables
Hi guys
I have a database with multiple tables and in this case i am looking at 3 in particuler. named
1. dbo.sendersreference
2. dbo.despatch
3. dbo.despatchitem
in table 1 i am pulling the colum named "SendersReference"
in table 2 i am taking the colums named ItemAddressee, AddressLine1, Postcode, CreatedDate
in table 3 i am taking the colum named "Barcode"
all 3 tables have a colum named "DespatchID" which is colum 1. so the number in the colum pairs to its relative data in the other tables. my question is, how do i create a query that pulls all the relevant data based on a search by ItemAddressee. here is what i have so far
Select ItemAddressee, AddressLine1, Postcode, CreatedDate, Barcode, SendersReference FROM dbo.despatch, dbo.despatchitem, dbo.sendersreference WHERE ItemAddressee Like (''%' + edit1.text + '%'')
the edit box is where i am specifying a partial name within a delphi form
kind regards
Answer : Matching data from multiple tables
check that you do not have an entry in /etc/hosts for your windows pc. if you do, remove the entry.
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