Question : How to compile project into a DLL
How can I force an ASP.NET project to compile into a DLL?
I should just be able to build it, and visual studio should then create the project's dll in the bin\debug directory.
Then I can reference the dll from the bin directory of the main project.
I've inheretid an application that has one main project under the solution, and then three projects under that.
I want to build each of the three sub-project such that a dll is created for each project, and then to be able to reference those dll files from the bin directory of the main project.
When I build the project, though, no dll file become created. I've even attempted to build each of the projects seperately.
Answer : How to compile project into a DLL
This appears to be a home or a non-server (serverless) network. Assuming that to be true, set one router to be the master router. It needs only be a wired router. Log into the router and determine the DHCP range (it is probably something like -
Log into the wireless router, turn off DHCP on the wireless router. Plug a wire from a LAN (internal network) port on the wireless router to a LAN (internal network) port on the wired (main) router.
Set the IP addressing on the wireless router (where you set up external network) to a fixed address on the wired router ( in the example above).
Now any connection (wired or wireless) should get the same range of IP addresses (, 102, 103 etc.) Once you have confirmed this part, you can begin networking the computers.
... Thinkpads_User
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