Assuming you need to do it to numerous sites, I would probably stick the script on all the sites and edit the script to run the path of the proper uninstall executable.
Or from your end, make a batch file to copy the script before executing it with psexec.
For example:
net use y: /d /y
ping -n 2 comp1 | find /i "TTL" >NUL
if errorlevel 1 goto comp2
echo connecting to comp1
net use y: \\comp1\c$ /user:admin password (A user with administrator priv., but may not be necessary if network is clean)
xcopy "script.vbs" "y:\folder" /y
psexec -accepteula \\comp1 cmd.exe /c "cscript c:\folder\script.vbs"
net use y: /d /y
Echo comp1 complete
net use y: /d /y
ping -n 2 comp2 | find /i "TTL" >NUL
if errorlevel 1 goto END
echo connecting to comp2
net use y: \\comp2\c$ /user:admin password
xcopy "script.vbs" "y:\folder" /y
psexec -accepteula \\comp2 cmd.exe /c "cscript c:\folder\script.vbs"
net use y: /d /y
Echo comp2 complete