Question : Creating and Deleting tables in phpmyadmin
When working with phpmyadmin and creating a table I noticed that phpmyadmin asks me to identify the number of fields I am going to use.
What if I do not know how many fields I need at first then get started realize I need to go back and ad more fields. Is this possible to go back and add more fields later or will I have to start all over.
The reason I ask is I wanted to put out a test table but could not see where to delete tables in phpmyadmin and did not want to create a mess in there. I purchased PHP Designer 7 which I can use to interface the data if I have to but I am totally new to it.
Answer : Creating and Deleting tables in phpmyadmin
In phpmyadmin you can insert number of fields then add more fields to it, it's obvious and clear from the table homepage where you can also drop some certain tables.
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