Question : sort a crystal 2008 report based on a running total
Hello again Experts!
I'm trying to build a report that shows a list of loans closed by loan officer showing the total loans closed that are purchases, total that are refinances, and the actual total loans. This is pretty easy, I just insert a group based on the LOName, then do a running total to count units based on a formula that checks to see if the loan purpose is a purchase, and another for Refinance, and a third on change of loanID. Problem is that I need to sort it by the number of refinances. I can create a subtotal of ALL units by inserting a subtotal on LoanID and then do a top N sort but that is going to sort it by who has the most total units, not the most Refinances. I've tried manual running totals, but they arn't availiable to the top N any more than one created by the wizard... Any ideas?
Answer : sort a crystal 2008 report based on a running total
As above use the formula. You can then use a SUMMARY function on the formula field so you can sort on it.
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