Question : Unable to open Word 2007 directly from SharePoint document library
This week we have received reports that users are unable to open Word documents directly from SharePoint.
All other Office file types and PDF's open fine. It's just Word.
When a Word doc is clicked (.doc or .docx) Word opens but is blank. At this point is just sits there until closed. No error is thrown. I also do not see an error on the client or server.
If a copy is downloaded to the desktop it opens without a problem.
Troublshooting Steps:
Office 2007 SP2 has been loaded but did not resolve the issue.
Webclient service is started.
Client and server logs reviewed (application, system, and SharePoint)
Thanks in advance for your assistance.
Answer : Unable to open Word 2007 directly from SharePoint document library
Host based firewall was causing the issue. Blocking winword.exe from talking to the site.
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