Question : Check syntax of SQL Select statement in access vba code
Could someone please check this syntax for me:
strSQLMonPubs = "SELECT * FROM qryWeeklyAccountCharge WHERE CustomerID = " & CurrentCustomerID & " AND 'DayDelivered = Monday OR Monday - Friday OR Monday - Saturday'"
In the query there is a field called DayDelivered and I want all results where the DayDelivered is "Monday" "Monday - Friday" or "Monday - Saturday"
So a single customer may have multiple results.
Thank you.
Answer : Check syntax of SQL Select statement in access vba code
strSQLMonPubs = "SELECT * " & _
"FROM qryWeeklyAccountCharge " & _
"WHERE CustomerID = " & CurrentCustomerID & " AND DayDelivered IN ('Monday', 'Monday - Friday', 'Monday - Saturday')"
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