Question : Outlook 2007 on Vista , Cannot Display the Folder. Microsoft Office Outlook cannot access the specific Folder Location. The messaging Interface has returned an unknown error. If the problem persists
Dear Expersts
I am getting an error on my my Outlook 2007 on Vista Home Pre ,
Error :
Cannot Display the Folder. Microsoft Office Outlook cannot access the specific Folder Location. The messaging Interface has returned an unknown error. If the problem persists, Restart Outlook. Outlook Cannot Open this Item . The Item may be damaged.
It was working fine yesterday. All of suddent this message was displaying when i click on Inbox..
All other Folder were accessable ( Send item, Sub folders to Inbox, Drafts etc....)
Any help would be much appreciated.
Please check the attache Jped Image file for screen shot.
Thank you
(88 KB)
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Screen shot of the Error
Answer : Outlook 2007 on Vista , Cannot Display the Folder. Microsoft Office Outlook cannot access the specific Folder Location. The messaging Interface has returned an unknown error. If the problem persists
read this please
It's not the fix, but answer WHY you have this error.
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