Question : Restore Exchange 2000 mailstore backup from backupexec 11d - access denied
I have GRT backup of the mailbox store of Exchange 2000 on the tape taken using backupexec 11d. Now i am trying to restore a single mailbox from that backup onto mailbox store on exchange 2000 but getting this error "V-79-57344-33928 access is denied on mailstore"
By looking detail of this error and solution is "Change the Backup Exec System Logon Account (SLA) to be the same ID that is used for the Exchange backup. The SLA should also match the ID used as the Backup Exec services." but i am already using the same account which was used in the time of backup was taken but still not sure how can i give this. I have also enabled the checkbox on the mailbox "this store can be overwritten" on exchagn 2000.
please help me restoring a mailbox or even a full store onto exchange 2000 using backupexec 11d.
Answer : Restore Exchange 2000 mailstore backup from backupexec 11d - access denied
GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* TO 'repl'@'81.**.**.**' IDENTIFIED BY 'slavepassword';
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