I have no clue what type of Dashboard you are using, that might be helpful to know. From the looks of it, it sounds like your vendor wasn't really all that clear on the instructions for changing where your dashboard receives its information.
CRM is structured whereas any link in the Navigation Pane (where you would see links like "Reports" or "Activities" on the left hand side of the screen) are done so within the SITEMAP.XML
In version 4.0 Sitemap.xml is no longer an actual xml file sitting on the server (it used to be); it is a customization you must export > edit > re-import. To do this change I would probably use the following steps:
1. Open CRM
2. Navigate to Settings
3. Navigate to Customization
4. Choose "Export Customizations"
5. Scroll down to SITEMAP line, and select it (single click)
6. Press the "Export Selected Customizations" button.
7. In the prompt you get, save the customizations.zip file to your computer
8. Extract the customizations.zip to get to the customizations.xml file located inside
9. Edit the customizations.xml with a program like Notepad (NOT WORDPAD!)
10. Scroll down until you see the <SubArea.... with the link to your TESTSERVER1 (it might be good to just search for it).
12. Save the customization.xml file
13. Open CRM
14. Navigate to Settings
15. Navigate to Customization
16. Choose "Import Customizations"
17. Press "Browse..."
18. Choose your new customizations.xml file
19. Press "Upload"
20. Press "Import Selected Customizations"
21. Press OK to the prompt
22. Press F5 on the keyboard
You should have a new dashboard :-)