Question : Asp.Net Have trouble adding a row.Cells(1).Text valuse into my insert statement
this line works:
<?xml:namespace prefix = asp /><asp:SqlDataSource id=UploadPictureDataSource
" runat="server">
InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [CustomerImages] ([ImageID],[EquipmentID], [Title], [ImageData], MIMEType)
VALUES (@ImageId, (SELECT [EquipmentID] FROM Equipment WHERE ID = '23'), @Title, @ImageData, @MIMEType)" >
this line Fails:
<asp:SqlDataSource id=UploadPictureDataSource
" runat="server">
InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [CustomerImages] ([ImageID],[EquipmentID], [Title], [ImageData], MIMEType)
VALUES (@ImageId, (SELECT [EquipmentID] FROM Equipment WHERE ID = '" + row.Cells(1).Text + "'), @Title, @ImageData, @MIMEType)" ></asp:SqlDataSource></asp
this line also fails:
" runat="server"><asp:SqlDat
" runat="server">InsertComma
INTO [CustomerImages] ([ImageID],[EquipmentID], [Title], [ImageData], MIMEType)
VALUES (@ImageId, (SELECT [EquipmentID] FROM Equipment WHERE ID = " + row.Cells(1).Text + "), @Title, @ImageData, @MIMEType)" ></asp:SqlDataSource></asp
this gets the row ID value: on what ever row I've selected
Sub GridView2_SelectedIndexCha
sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
' Get the currently selected row using the SelectedRow property.
Dim row As GridViewRow = GridView2.SelectedRow
MessageLabel.Text = "You selected row ID = " & row.Cells(1).Text & "."
End Sub
this prints out the row:
<asp:label id="MessageLabel" forecolor="Red" runat="server"/>
You selected row ID = 23
Answer : Asp.Net Have trouble adding a row.Cells(1).Text valuse into my insert statement
select userID, anumber, title, price, comments from cars where userID=$userID
union all
select userID, anumber, title, price, comments from boats where userID=$userID
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