Question : Sorting with 'A>Z' toolbar button.
I often sort by selecting a desired range of records, moving the active cell to the cell I want to sort by and then click the 'A>Z' toolbutton. Sometimes the first record of the selection is NOT sorted because Excel decides it is a 'Header Row'. Is there any way to turn off the header option without using the 'Data-Sort' menu? The only way I have found to workaround it when Excel decides to do this, is to select a blank row above my first desired record so that uses it as the Header row. I have even sorted by using the 'Data-Sort' menu & unchecked the header, but the next time I sort another range in the same workbook with the 'A>Z' toolbutton, the sort skips the first row again.
It appears to me that once the 'Header Row' option gets turned on, 'A>Z' toolbutton always uses it.
Related Solutions:
How to sort my column without the header column getting sorted
Answer : Sorting with 'A>Z' toolbar button.
You can find more information here:-
Scroll down to the section on 'Sort toolbar buttons'.
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