Question : Bang for the Bucks
i need to update office computers running MS office only.. no serious graphics or spread sheets.
i used to E6500 or E 5300.... but i know they keep commin gout with similar type...
these are real good type dual processors..... i really do not need quads..
i really like asus MOBO....
not there is anything wrong with the new I series... but usually the accompanying MOBO require more expensive memory.... i need to gigs.
so can someone recomend a mobo with a video out ( prefereably a dual out ).. for u guys who build it should a peice of cake.
but i coul dreally use a frugal expert.
Anyhelp appreciated
Answer : Bang for the Bucks
For your purpose i think you should consider AMD's CPUs. They are cheap and fast for their price at stock speed. And with an 780G or 785G motherboard you will have Dual Video out (go for 780G if you like DDR2 Ram and 785G if you like DDR3)
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