Question : How to add a loading bar
I have the below code which imports a spreadsheet into an Access table. Before it does, it makes some changes and deletes some rows. This can take 30 odd seconds. While it is happening the user is unaware of what is happening.
Is there code i can incorporate into my below code to display a laoding/progress bar?
Private Sub Command0_Click()
If IsNull(Me.txtFileName) Or Len(Me.txtFileName & "") = 0 Then
MsgBox "please select the excel file"
Exit Sub
End If 'place the end if here
Dim xlApp As Object, xlWbSource As Object, xlWsSource As Object
Dim xlWbDest As Object, xlWsDest As Object
Dim LastR As Long, xlFile As String
Dim WbSourcePath As String
Dim WbDestPath As String
xlFile = Me.txtFileName
WbSourcePath = xlFile
WbDestPath = Left(xlFile, InStr(xlFile, ".xls") - 1) & "_Updated.xls"
Const WsSourceName As String = "BatchOutput" 'update
Const WsDestName As String = "Key Fields" 'update
Const xlUp As Long = -4162
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Applic
Set xlWbSource = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(WbSou
Set xlWsSource = xlWbSource.Worksheets(WsSo
Set xlWbDest = xlApp.Workbooks.Add
Set xlWsDest = xlWbDest.Worksheets(1)
xlWsDest.Name = WsDestName
With xlWsSource
LastR = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "a").End(xlUp).Row
.Range("c1:c" & LastR).Copy xlWsDest.[a1]
.Range("g1:g" & LastR).Copy xlWsDest.[b1]
.Range("j1:j" & LastR).Copy xlWsDest.[c1]
.Range("k1:k" & LastR).Copy xlWsDest.[d1]
.Range("l1:l" & LastR).Copy xlWsDest.[e1]
.Range("m1:m" & LastR).Copy xlWsDest.[f1]
.Range("n1:n" & LastR).Copy xlWsDest.[g1]
.Range("o1:o" & LastR).Copy xlWsDest.[h1]
.Range("ad1:ad" & LastR).Copy xlWsDest.[i1]
.Range("ae1:ae" & LastR).Copy xlWsDest.[j1]
.Range("af1:af" & LastR).Copy xlWsDest.[k1]
.Range("ag1:ag" & LastR).Copy xlWsDest.[l1]
.Range("ah1:ah" & LastR).Copy xlWsDest.[m1]
.Range("ay1:ay" & LastR).Copy xlWsDest.[n1]
.Range("az1:az" & LastR).Copy xlWsDest.[o1]
.Range("ba1:ba" & LastR).Copy xlWsDest.[p1]
.Range("bb1:bb" & LastR).Copy xlWsDest.[q1]
.Range("bc1:bc" & LastR).Copy xlWsDest.[r1]
.Range("bf1:bf" & LastR).Copy xlWsDest.[s1]
.Range("bg1:bg" & LastR).Copy xlWsDest.[t1]
.Range("bh1:bh" & LastR).Copy xlWsDest.[u1]
.Range("bi1:bi" & LastR).Copy xlWsDest.[v1]
.Range("bj1:bj" & LastR).Copy xlWsDest.[w1]
.Range("ca1:ca" & LastR).Copy xlWsDest.[x1]
.Range("cb1:cb" & LastR).Copy xlWsDest.[y1]
.Range("cc1:cc" & LastR).Copy xlWsDest.[z1]
.Range("cd1:cd" & LastR).Copy xlWsDest.[aa1]
.Range("ce1:ce" & LastR).Copy xlWsDest.[ab1]
End With
xlWbSource.Close False
If xlApp.Version < 12 Then
xlWbDest.SaveAs WbDestPath
xlWbDest.SaveAs WbDestPath, 56
End If
xlWbDest.Close False
Set xlWsSource = Nothing
Set xlWbSource = Nothing
Set xlWsDest = Nothing
Set xlWbDest = Nothing
Set xlApp = Nothing
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet (acImport), acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, "McLagan Import", WbDestPath
MsgBox "McLagan Data imported"
End Sub
Private Sub cmdQuit_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub cmdSelect_Click()
Dim strStartDir As String
Dim strFilter As String
Dim lngFlags As Long
' Lets start the file browse from our current directory
strStartDir = CurrentDb.Name
strStartDir = Left(strStartDir, Len(strStartDir) - Len(Dir(strStartDir)))
strFilter = ahtAddFilterItem(strFilter
, _
"Excel Files (*.xls)", "*.xls")
Me.txtFileName = ahtCommonFileOpenSave(Init
Filter:=strFilter, FilterIndex:=3, Flags:=lngFlags, _
DialogTitle:="Select File")
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command1_Click
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command1_Click
End Sub
Answer : How to add a loading bar
This kind of shortcoming is existent in SharePoint. Take a look at
SharePoint AD Sync
, which solves this as SUNILREPALE suggested above.
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