Question : Install XAMPP before or after upgrade to Windows 7
Hello Experts: I need some advice.
I have been running Winws XP Pro for so long I can't remember, and I have been running PHP/MySQL on IIS 5.1 for the last 6 years(Give or Take)...
I have heard many people say that Apache is the best choice under Windows 7 Professional.
So I need to know... Should I remove my current configuarion and install XAMPP on Windows XP Pro BEFORE I upgrade my OS? or should I Upgrade to Windows 7 first then Set up my PHP/MySQL and Server?
Also, which is the better web developer environment? Windows IIS7 or Apache?
Thanks folks!
Answer : Install XAMPP before or after upgrade to Windows 7
Ok, if you'll replacing RAM, please check DDR2 frequency. For example, old MacBookPro 15-17" does not startup with DDR2 800.
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