Question : Internal DNS Issue: Not consistently resolving internal domains.
We have just started using an internal DNS server to resolve domain names. The server is on a Wndows 2003 server. We have an internal web server that in the past we just used the IP address to access. We now set up the DNS server to resolve the domain to that server at The DNS is set up to forward any requests that aren't to our outside ISP DNS server (Qwest). The PCs are set up to obtain their addresses dynamically through a DHCP server. They receive our address as a primary DNS and our ISP DNS are secondary. We are set up on a /22 subnet by the way.
The problem comes in that sometimes the domain won't resolve on some PCs. It will work one day and then won't the next. It isn't everyone and it isn't consistent. When I go to a PC that isn't working I can ping the DNS server without a problem. I can ping the domain and it resolves to the IP address. However, if I go to that web server
it doesn't work. Now, if we disable the NIC card and then enable again it will work. If I run nslookup i says " *** Can't find server name for address Non-Existent domain" Iit then goes to Qwest's DNS server and of course it can't resolve the domain name there.
I am new to administering DNS so any help is appreciated.
Answer : Internal DNS Issue: Not consistently resolving internal domains.
see this link to download virtual pC
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