Question : Restoring exchange state to a test environment
Hey guys
We have a request to retrieve some mail from over a year ago. My only thfought to do this, is restore the exhange to a test environment for each month required, and export the users mailbox to pst, so joblog-jan.pst, joblog-feb.pst for example, each month obviously requiring a new retore
Our exchange is installed on the D: drive of the prod server, as is all mailbox data.
I have created a copy of the VM and uploaded it to our esx test environment, with a test AD and a test windows XP
What i was hoping to do was use backup execs "File redirection wizard" to restre thte whole D drive to a temp location, then overwrite the D drive of our test exchange with the file, there for making exchange as of that month
Would this work?
Answer : Restoring exchange state to a test environment
delete relay bin file and try
slave stop ;
CHANGE MASTER TO master_log_file='name_of_c
slave start;
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